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Sunday 1 March 2015

This Week's Prizes


 Anna Kendrick has all her bases covered. Girls who love musicals love her. Girls who love indies love her. Girls who love comedy love her. Girls who love twitter love her. What boys love her? Who even cares. 

Look at this stunning spread for Nylon. My favourite of the bunch is this one, which makes her look like the hottest player at Big Band practice. Putting the imp in pimp.


Look who's back pitches! Yes the stars of Pitch Perfect have been, well, pitch perfect with their style this week because Rebel Wilson aka a god amongst funny people has been jazzing it up with my ol' favourite - the red/pink combo. She looks so cute. And extra points for accessorising with...

An icon. Jennifer Saunders! Jennifer bloody Saunders! I need these ladies to collab yesterday. How exciting that they're in the same place at the same time. I wonder what they're cooking up in their comedy cauldron? Pair of angels.


Ain't nobody fucking with Maya Rudolph.

Shimmying up to the Comedy Central 'Night Of Too Many Stars' looking like Janelle Monae got the lead in an Inspector Gadget reboot.


Also, lipstick.


I love a pop culture throwback more than jlo loves her own body (because why wouldn't she) and this cheeky lil ref to the Liz Hurley safety pin dress made me so happy. Never change JLo. Never stop acting like you are doing material a favour by putting a little bit of it on you.


Susan Sarandon at the Goldene Kamera Awards this week. Susan Sarandon is 68.
*mic drop*


  1. SUSAN SARANDON IS 68 what the fuck??? WHATTT I would have guessed like 52. She is smoking. Also, I too am a fan of the red and pink and also Jennifer Saunders as accessory - that's just so crazy good. I plan to use her as an accessory in my future, stardom filled life x


  2. red + pink = perfection. I want to be a Jennifer Saunders accessory. I want her to wear me like a shawl (unless that gives her backache, in which case, ok, no worries jen, sorry)


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